Organizational Structure & Chart
The simplified, schematic representation of the organizational structure, the activities and the operations of the Bank is shown on the Organizational Chart.
The Organizational Chart includes the organizational structures/units of the Bank with clear, transparent and consistent reporting lines, describing:
- the position of each organizational structure and unit within the organization;
- the basic hierarchy and the reporting lines between the various organizational structures/units.
The organizational chart is followed by effective and detailed procedures for carrying out the Bank operations, and sufficient control mechanisms, always aiming at the identification, management, monitoring and reporting of risks which the Bank undertakes or may undertake in the context of its activities. In this manner, the development and diffusion of a single entrepreneurial culture is achieved, and the following are ensured:
- The separation between the tasks of negotiation, settlement and accounting of the transactions;
- The independence between the risk-taking operations and the control functions;
- The separation of the powers concerning the safeguarding of the assets of the Bank or its customers from the duties mentioned immediately above;
- The independence of the control bodies from the controlled activities.
Cases of incompatible roles, of conflict of competences, of conflict of interests between the BoD Members, the Management and the executives, as well as between them, the Bank and those transacting with it, as well as cases of unfair use of confidential information or assets are avoided.
The Bank is managed, in accordance with its Articles of Association, by a Board of Directors consisting of non-executive, independent members, who are responsible for the Internal Control System and executive members who direct its business activities.
The separation between the duties of the managerial (executive) function and the supervisory (non-executive) function is specified in the BoD Operating Regulation.
The BoD has the ultimate and overall responsibility over the Bank and determines, supervises and reports on the implementation of the governance rules that ensure the effective and prudent management of the Bank, including the separation of duties in the organization and the prevention of conflicts of interests.
The administrative structure of the Bank consists of the directorates/divisions of the Organizational Chart that undertake to implement and monitor the approved business targets - quantitative and qualitative - and the action plans of the Bank.
The Heads of the Central Directorates/Divisions control the achievement of the targets, the tasks and powers assigned to them by Management, exercising appropriate coordination and management of the available human and other resources, in order to achieve the optimal efficiency and effectiveness of their Directorates/Divisions.